Register today for this 2 part program!

Have you ever wondered exactly HOW changes are made in healthcare? How are problems identified? Who creates the solutions? How do you know the solution works?
Fixing some of healthcare’s biggest challenges, like sepsis and infections, is called quality improvement (QI). Patient Family Advisors have a lot to contribute to quality improvement efforts.
While QI concepts can be complex, don't fret! If you have rated an Uber driver lately, you know more than you think about QI. Our Quality Improvement Basics for PFAs will introduce you to some of the tools used in quality improvement. You'll learn to how healthcare teams use QI methods to solve problems. You will leave the program with greater understanding of your role in QI projects.
PFAs of ALL levels are welcome! Add to your PFA skills and learn with peers in interactive sessions. Register today for this 2 part program!
This virtual meeting will be held via Zoom meeting. You will be provided a link to the meeting after registration. All are welcome. For questions, please contact Libby Hoy at