For Immediate Release December 31, 2021
Contact: Nichole Jefferson, President Home Dialyzors United Phone: 469.531.3344
Home Dialyzors United Announces Appointment of Nieltje Gedney to Association for Vascular Access Board of Directors
Dallas, TX Home Dialyzors United (HDU) is excited to announce the appointment of Nieltje Gedney as a Director at Large to the Board of Directors of the Association for Vascular Access (AVA). Vascular access, or the dialyzor’s lifeline as Ms. Gedney refers to the fistula and other means of access, is critically important to the success of home dialyzors. Ms. Gedney is not only a passionate advocate for those on home dialysis who need some type of vascular access, but also personally knows the challenges and barriers they encounter. After being diagnosed with kidney disease over twenty years ago, Ms. Gedney has been a solo home hemodialyzor for the past eight years.
AVA is the dominant thought leader and multidisciplinary membership organization working to support and promote the specialty of vascular access around the globe. Founded in 1985 and with more than 3,100 members, AVA and the AVA Foundation advance research and patient safety, provide professional and public education to shape practice, and support the VA community with evidence-based resources and other tools. The organization partners with the device manufacturing community to bring evidence-based innovations to the specialty. Please visit for more information.
Ms. Gedney embraces the challenging opportunities of exchanging knowledge and listening to the patient voice with the AVA Board.
“It seems ironic that my last career move is in the field of dialysis, especially since I spent over 20 years avoiding it,” says Ms. Gedney. “I know from personal experience that, with the right dialysis treatment, many patients with ESRD (and their families and care partners) can lead a normal life, enjoying family and friends, and pursuing employment, education, volunteer, and leisure activities.”
Home Dialyzors United (HDU) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and the only dialysis patient group dedicated solely to home dialysis. Our mission is to inspire, inform, and advocate for an extraordinary quality of life for the home dialysis community. As a patient organization HDU represents the home dialysis community by supporting education, home dialysis, vascular access, innovation and technology improvements, and kidney transplantation, all of which will ultimately improve long term outcomes for dialysis patients.
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