Beth Gore
Advisory Board Member
Beth is a sought-after keynote speaker and a National Patient Advocate with a background in Training, Communications and Business.
She has a BA in Psychology, a BA in Theology, an MA in Educational Psychology and PhD in Training and Development with a minor in Statistics.
She thinks, “How can we improve the system?”
Beth currently works as the Association for Vascular Access (AVA) Director of Outreach. Her primary role is to partner with key organizations and create collaborative partnerships in helping provide safe vascular access and venous preservation. She is also on numerous national task forces and boards centered around patient safety.
Her personal mission statement is, “Speaking for those who cannot speak for themselves.”
Beth, her husband of 22 years and their 6 children (all adopted with special needs) live in Tampa, Florida. Their youngest son Manny (age 8) will be central line dependent for life. Their oldest son Jacob (age 19) was diagnosed with FSGS at age 12. It was expected he would require dialysis by age 13 and will eventually need a transplant. As of yet, he has still not progressed to requiring dialysis, but his family is already educating themselves about this world.
Beth hopes to bring the currently separate worlds of vascular access and dialysis closer together for better patient outcomes, especially related to preventable patient harm.